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SolidUI front-end compilation

1. Preconditions

1.1 Install Node.js

This step is only required for the first use, if you already have a node environment, you can skip it

Download Node.js locally and install it. Download address: (It is recommended to use node v16 version)

1.2 Source code acquisition

2. Compile

2.1 Install npm dependencies

Execute the following command on the terminal command line:

#Enter the project WEB root directory
cd solidui-x.x.x/solidui-web
#Install the dependencies required by the project
npm install --legacy-peer-deps

This step is only required for the first use.

2.2. Package project

Execute the following command on the terminal command line:

npm run build

After the above command is executed successfully, the installation package dist of the front-end management console will be generated. You can directly put this folder into your static server, or refer to the installation documentation to use scripts for deployment and installation.