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SolidUI Docker-Compose deployment

1. Environment preparation

Docker 1.13.1+ Docker Compose 1.11.0+

This method needs to install docker-compose first, there are already a lot of information on the installation of docker-compose on the Internet, please install it yourself

2.1 Download deployment package or source code

  • Method 1: Download the address from the official website:, and download the corresponding installation package (overall installation package).
  • Method 2: Compile the project installation package according to SolidUI.

Please download the source package solidui-x.x.x-src.tar.gz

2.2 Pull the image and start the service

# Enter the server (take Centos7 as an example)
tar -zxvf solidui-x.x.x-src.tar.gz

cd solidui-x.x.x-src/deploy/docker/

docker-compose up -d

2.3 Modify the database table information, modify the table solidui_model_type, token and baseurl fields (supported after version 0.2.0)

token is the model API token

baseurl is the base address of the model API, for example: (this is the address of openai abroad), (the address of openai's domestic agent), http://ip: port (chatGLM address)

# Enter the mysql created by Docker-Compose
mysql -h ip -u root -p
use solidui;
update solidui_model_type set token = '' , baseurl='' where id = 'id';

2.4 Accessing Services

Access link http://localhost:8099

Default username and password: admin/admin